The Hocatt Experience

You get to sit back comfortably on an adjustable seat and with the doors  closed to cover your body while your head remains outside the chamber.

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image with a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Ozone and many other modalities that we offer during a 30 minute session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image with a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Ozone and many other modalities that we offer during a 30 minute session.

A neck cape ensures comfort and the retention of the steam chamber contents.

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image with a Lady with a neck cape sitting comfortably in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and Aromatherapy during a 30 min session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image with a Lady with a neck cape sitting comfortably in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and Aromatherapy during a 30 min session.

Pure, humidified, oxygen runs through a special oxygen jet to your nose and mouth, boosting Oxygen saturation throughout your body during the HOCATT™ session.

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Pure, humidified, oxygen . Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Pure, humidified, oxygen . Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.

Steam and Far Infrared Rays (FIR) heat up your body. The HOCATT™ has FIR pads located at the foot area and a large FIR pad behind the back area.

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Steam and Far Infrared Rays (FIR). Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Steam and Far Infrared Rays (FIR). Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.

CO2 is infused in the beginning of the HOCATT™ session to react with the steam and create Carbonic Acid.Carbonic Acid is one of the very few compounds that naturally, and without any side effects, increases the uptake and delivery of Oxygen at the cellular level (aka the Bohr Effect).

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst CO2 is infused. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst CO2 is infused. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.

The Ozone cycle starts as soon as the CO2 cycle has ended, and continues for the duration of the HOCATT™ session.The Ozone reacts with the steam to form Ozone products on the surface of your skin. Thanks to the CO2 pre-cycle, the efficacy of the Ozone cycle in the HOCATT™ is greatly potentiated compared to other Ozone Saunas.

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers The Ozone cycle. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers The Ozone cycle. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.

Special Micro-Currents can be selected to stimulate the body via the hands and/or feet. 

This can be done as a stand-alone session. The frequencies are already setup and there are over 100 programs to choose from ranging from Beauty options to Wellness!

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst you experience Special Micro-Currents. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst you experience Special Micro-Currents. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, Ozone, Aromatherapy, Cupping, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.

Full spectrum colour light fills the unit. There is a colour star one either side of the foot rest that randomly change colours.

The HOCATT™ applies all the colours of the spectrum, delivering balancing and energizing to soothing and relaxing.

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Aromatherapy Essential Oils. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Aromatherapy Essential Oils. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils can be added to a special compartment within the HOCATT’s steam delivery system.

Your prefered oils are distributed by the steam as it fills the unit, making this a transdermal application. Dried aromatic plants can also be used in the steam compartment.

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Aromatherapy Essential Oils. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.
the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image of a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Aromatherapy Essential Oils. Other modalities are Heat, Moisture, CO2, Ozone, Cupping, RIFE, EWOT, Colour Light, FAR Infrared and during a 30 min session.

30 Minute Sessions are the key to your Vitality!

You have just experienced the HOCATT™ – this is the only machine that can deliver multiple proven technologies in a single session. You will  have just spent 30 relaxing minutes gaining the advantages of all the applied technologies, without any stress trying to manage everything!  You’ll love wellness being made so simple and fast.

Each 30-minute session , you experience multiple wellness technologies simultaneously, providing advanced detox, oxygenation, athletic improvement, beauty and anti-aging benefits, and overall wellness and vitality.

The only device of its kind, leveraging multi-technology which helps you see results faster. It is recommended that you rest for at least 20 minutes after the session and then continue your day. 

After the Session you will feel clean and energised. You will not need to shower after the session like normal exercise sessions as the Ozone remains on your skin and continues working for a few hours.

the ozone room Somerset West -showing an image with a Lady sitting in the HOCATT Sauna Pod whilst it delivers Ozone and many other modalities that we offer during a 30 minute session.

One of the most trusted Ozone Technology System in the world!

Join more than 200,000 people WorldWide today experiencing this Amazing Wellness Practice by clicking on the Request booking or more information buttons to get a call back or an Info Pack sent to you!
