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This has been found to be especially effective in treating poorly-healing wounds, abrasions, skin infections, herpes, decubitus ulcers, fungal skin infections, burns and radiodermatitis. A typical treatment involves a low flow of ozone administered from ten to fifteen minutes.
Ear Insufflation
Many physicians have indicated that the ozone enters the lymphatic and blood system this way. Many patients have reported a wide variety of results including relief of allergies, relief of colds, clearing of sore throats and swollen glands
Vaginal Insufflation
Many women have reported relief from yeast infections and various sexually transmitted diseases including herpes. Many women also use this method as an alternative to rectal insufflation as it is theorized that the ozone not only affects the pelvic region, but also enters the general circulation causing a body wide effect.
Ozonated Water
May improve brain function, fight bacteria, and speed up healing. There have been some promising studies examining how ozone may be beneficial to health by: inactivating bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, yeast, and protozoa. Ozonated water is used topically as a healing and antibacterial / antifungal agent, on burns, scrapes, bruises, in dentistry, surgery, and many other applications